Why Giordano Protection Services
Unique Security plan: GPS Security understands that every security plan is unique based on the needs and challenges of the individual client, and there professional environment. Prior to presenting the client with a proposal, we first complete a security and crime prevention survey that analyzes and identifies weaknesses, deficiencies and potential liabilities. Our officers undergo stringent background checks.
We have secured such major events as Pride Miami Beach, Pride Ft. Lauderdale, Stonewall Pride, The Maronites Convention NAAM, Concert venues, parades, schools and night clubs, football games and much more.
GPS Security is here for your protection and peace of mind. We offer unarmed and armed uniformed security guard service and security assessments to any size property or business. We also have a wealth of experience in event coverage and venue security.
We provide security camera installation, high rise and residential patrolling, gated community protective services, community access control to aid in the prevention, deterrence and detection of theft, vandalism, and safety related incidents, should security officers observe evidence of a crime or suspicious activity local law enforcement will be notified immediately. So weather your looking for a company to patrol a highly secure area, a building, a foreclosed property, or an event, turn to GPS Security.
Properly insured
Our liability insurance well exceeds the required state mandated coverage. Clients are provided proof of liability and workers compensation insurance at the time of proposal.
Our supervisors conduct various site inspections to assure strict monitoring and enforcement of professional, ethical standards and uniform dress code. All of our security personal undergo continuous in service training to maintain the highest grade of professionalism in the industry.

Send us an email [email protected] or give us a call at 305-925-7524 and we will put your safety and protection first. Miami Security serving Miami Dade, Broward, Monroe, Palm Beach, Orange and Collier County.